It's 10:40 here in Washington D.C., and our air conditioning is broken for the rest of our stay. I have no idea how I'll fall asleep tonight, and to think, this is supposed to be the coolest of the nights to come. Perhaps a barrier of icepacks following the bed frame will do the trick?
Anyways, today started off bright and early, like yesterday, but this time, instead of a hot run, we woke up at 6:30 to go swimming at a nice private pool located just feet away from a bird sanctuary. Splish splash, quick shower, hop on a bus, and we're in Georgetown. As the rain slowly came and went in five minute intervals, Cristina and I walked up to Georgetown University for a tour. Two hours later, after we had been explained to what "Hoya" truly meant, had seen the replacement clock hands that had been once again stolen from the clock tower, and had awkwardly chuckled at the truly un-amusing jokes of the tour guide, we were absolutely starving.
Having asked the tour guide where he suggested that we go, we quickly stumbled along to "The Tombs," a small pub-like restaurant located in a basement venue with, I must say, pretty good food. The restaurant was also very amusing to me for two reasons: first, their was a clear rowing theme inside the restaurant itself, and second, only a few feet form the entrance was the famous house and steep stairs from the movie "The Exorcist." So of course, with our stomachs full, we walked down the famous steps, onto M street, and walked on to be incredibly rejuvenated with some shopping.
Walking through Georgetown. |
Georgetown University |
House where The Exorcist was filmed. |
The stairs form The Exorcist |
After having visited a few shops, I was ready to drink something, and due to a prior mention of its existence, I dragged Cristina to a Chinese Teahouse. We entered into a small store and a lady approached us with two menus, and pointing at the tables situated towards the left of the store, she said in a delicate Chinese accent "you can choose where to sit." Having spotted a table with mats to sit on located on an elevated platform, I immediately moved towards it. I stepped on, and all I heard behind me was "please, no, come back, no shoes." I quickly hurried back down to the ground level, slipped off my sandals, and finally situated myself on one of the bright red mats. After having ordered my tea, I asked the lady the reason for the removal of shoes, and she simply answered "this is in honor of the Buddha, so shoes are not allowed and don't lean back, because he is right behind you." I turned around to see the Buddha situated right behind me, thanked the lady, and thought to myself "I'm such a tourist." But the tea was wonderful, and after drinking it, shopping some more, and taking a stop at Starbucks, Cristina and I were ready to take a bus to the National Cathedral.
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